The state fossil of South Dakota is the triceratops.

The 1996-1997 Sout Dakota Vacation Guide says this about Mount Rushmore: "They call it America's Shrine To Democracy". I call it America's Shrine to Hubris, the special American belief that the world is ours, that there is no force in nature greater than the American People, that anything Nature can produce Man can make just a little bit better.

I didn't approach Mount Rushmore through a tunnel, as others have. My first view of the carving was across a valley as I plugged along at 30 mph behind RVs and trailers filled with old people and screaming brats (I know, because I saw them unloading later). I must admit that it was impressive.

I had not intended to take pictures of Mount Rushmore. After all, pictures of these pesidential heads are not in short supply. The deep blue sky and brilliant white clouds that I so love to photograph changed my mind. Oh, well. At least I shot less than a roll.

The big disappointment of my visit to Mount Rushmore was the gift shop. They have a huge new one, and they needed it, since this one was packed, but a cinematic landmark has been lost. I'll never get to relive the faked shooting scene from _North_By_Northwest_.

The drive from Rushmore to Crazy Horse was pretty. There is a reason the Black Hills are so popular.

The admission to the Crazy Horse carving area was $6. I debated just viewing it from a wonderfully tacky tourist trap call the Fort just down the road, but I decided that, by paying the fee, I could one day tell my grandchildren that I helped pay for that weird statue still being carved out of a South Dakota mountain.

Custer is a nice traditional mountain vacation town, with many quaint old motels with brilliant neon. Rock and antique and Indian Art shops abound, but they don't cover up the fact that people actually live here. I went to The Grocery Store and The Hardware Store.

The big attraction in Custer is Flintstones Bedrock City. At $5 it is reasonable. There is a short train ride and free rides in a powered Flintmobile for the kids, but basically Bedrock City is a collection of buildings based on the television show.

I almost bought a nice orange t-shirt with black spots, but I came to my senses in time. I did have a brontoburger at the drive in.

So much for day 2. Almost on time, too!
