Day One
Arrival in London and lunch with friends
Day Two
Train to Edinburgh
Day Three
The sights of Edinburgh
Day Four
Pubs in York
Day Five
Back to London, Slingbacks in Camden
Day Six
The Tower and Curry
Day Seven
Ran out of notes!

More Road Trips


I have no notes at all for the last two days of my trip, so we'll see how I do.

Debs and Jon have two cats, Lightning and Merlin. Merlin, the older of the two, enjoyed coming throw the cat flap in the door, leaping on the foot of the futon, stomping to the head, and licking my nose.

Saturday morning Debs prepared my best Traditional English Breakfast of my visit.

I wanted to go to the British Museum this day, but Jon was feeling the after effects of Friday's curry, so we goofed off for a while, then went record shopping. It was fun.

Sunday I flew home.

The end.